Euro Mechanical is known for maintaining thorough professionalism and is committed to providing faultless and safe delivery in all operational areas. We believe that integrity and honesty are at the heart of a successful business and hence we aim to strive to exceed the expectations of our current and potential clients.
Our management is involved in creating and sustaining a working environment where people are a part of our journey and help us achieve our objectives. We recognize that people are the essence of any successful business and that their full involvement further enhances the brand’s image. At the same time, we also understand that the desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are well managed. One of our main annual objectives is to achieve continual improvement in all aspects of our quality management system.
We know that the relationship between the organization and suppliers is interdependent and hence we aim to provide a mutually beneficial relationship that provides value to both the parties.
To implement this policy, Euro Mechanical has established a Quality Management System in line with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard.
The Quality Management System aims to:

Meet the requirements of interested parties and our social, environmental, charitable, regulatory, and legislative responsibilities.

Provide necessary resources and ensure that responsibilities are determined and communicated throughout the organization.

Establish business and quality objectives, which are reviewed periodically through the management review process.

Seek feedback from clients and carry out actions in accordance to client’s requirements.
Euro Mechanical has implemented an Internal Audit Program to ensure that the ongoing suitability and conformity of the Quality Management System is assured. Keeping this in mind, it has the full support of Executive Team, Management Team and Staff.